Steve Treece

Steve Treece

With a wealth of experience in managing risks across the public sector, Steve is well-placed to understand the pressures faced by users and practitioners across the NHS, including social care.

He prefers collaborative working but is not afraid to constructively challenge service providers when necessary to ensure the provision of high quality and cost effective services across the Trust.  He is an advocate for continuous improvement.

His expertise in cyber security, data protection, business continuity and change management is invaluable as the Trust progresses with its enabling ambition to use digital transformation to integrate care and improve patient, child and staff experience.

Steve’s knowledge of public sector governance structures helps him when seeking assurance that the Trust Board is working well.

Steve is a regular observer at the Trust’s Charitable Funds Committee, a sub-committee of the Board.

If you would like to contact Steve on a matter related to their role as a Governor, please email [email protected]. Thank you.