Parents are invited to take part in Big Latch On 

Posted on: Friday 5 Apr 2024

The County Durham Infant Feeding Team in partnership with Durham County Council invite you to take part in the Global Big Latch On to promote the benefits of breastfeeding.

The Big Latch On event at County Hall, Durham City.
Picture copyright Tom Banks 2023

Taking place from 10am-12pm on Friday 12 April at County Hall in Durham, DH1 5UJ, parents are encouraged to take part in a 10:30am global latch, where breastfeeding attendees latch their babies at the same time.

The Global Big Latch On event’s aim is to promote, protect and support breastfeeding families while providing communities the tools to increase accessible breastfeeding support in their local area.

On the day there will be refreshments and cold drinks available, a range of family friendly activities to take part in, as well as information from a range of services including the Infant Feeding team and the council’s Family Hubs.

Amanda Smith, General Manager for the 0-25 Family Health Service and Director of Nursing for Community and Children said: “The Big Latch On is the perfect opportunity for families to come together to share experiences and build strong support networks with each other.

“We encourage all those who are able to breastfeed to do so as it helps protect children from a vast range of illnesses including, diabetes, and asthma and reduces the chance of infection, obesity and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

“Those who breastfeed are at a lower risk of developing heart disease, breast and ovarian cancer. Additionally, it’s a lovely way for the parent and baby to form close and loving relationships whilst supporting their mental health.

“The World Health Organisation recommends breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months of a baby’s life to optimise these benefits, and continuing to breastfeed for two years and beyond.

“We can’t wait to see you at County Hall to grow our community of parents and celebrate breastfeeding with us.”

Amanda Healy, Durham County Council’s director of Public Health said: “There are lots of long-term health and wellbeing benefits to breast feeding for both baby and parent, from immune system support, reducing the risk of diseases, to helping to create a strong bond.

“We’re encouraging parents to take part in the Big Latch On and consider coming along to our event at County Hall. Not only is it a chance to meet other parents and speak with people who have shared experiences, but it’s also an opportunity to find out more about the range of support and services that are available to families.”

The first Big Latch On took place in Aotearoa New Zealand in 2005, it was introduced to Portland, Oregon in 2010 by Small Beginnings Group LLC and has now taken off globally.

This year the global event aims to break the current 2018 Global Big Latch On record of 21,500 children breastfeeding at 778 locations, across 28 countries.

To book your place please visit the Event Brite page:

For more information on the event email [email protected] or visit their Facebook page at 



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For further information please contact:

Giles Latham, Communications and Marketing Manager, [email protected] and 01423 557470.

Greg Dawson, Senior Communications and Marketing Officer, [email protected] and 01423 557732.