Before you come to the Emergency Department
If you require medical advice or are unsure if you should attend the Emergency Department phone 111 or click here.
If you need an ambulance in a medical emergency phone 999.
How to help us to help you:
- Only attend the Emergency Department if you require urgent or emergency care
- Bring all your medication with you
- Bring any medical information you have from other hospitals
- Ask before eating or drinking as this may delay certain procedures
- Bring a relative/friend along to keep you company, but no more than two as we have limited space
Waiting times
The time displayed in the waiting room is an estimate of the time it will take to be seen after your initial assessment. This can change very quickly depending on the number of patients in the department and how unwell they are. We are aware that this is very frustrating and we aim to keep you comfortable during this time.
We have a separate children’s waiting area and refreshments are available in the main entrance. If you require pain relief or do not know what you are waiting for please let someone know.
Please do not phone the department to ask how long the wait will be when you arrive. We genuinely cannot predict this.
If you want to know how our waiting times compare across the UK, click here.
Attending the Emergency Department
When you arrive, your details and reason for attending will be taken by our receptionists and entered onto our computer system.
Next, you will be seen by an experienced clinician who will briefly assess the severity of your symptoms to ensure we see the sickest patients first (this is known as ‘triage’). They may also start investigations such as X-rays or blood tests and give you basic treatment or pain relief.
You may at this point be directed straight to a speciality team, be referred to a GP (located in the hospital in the evenings and at weekends) or discharged.
If you need to stay you will then be seen by one of a number of clinicians including: Doctors, Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACPs), Emergency Nurse Practitioners (ENPs) and Mental Health Nurses who will be responsible for your care in the department.
We aim to discharge you home after your attendance, but this is not always possible and you may need to come into hospital for further treatment or more investigations. Sometimes we need to transfer you to another hospital providing specialist care (we regularly transfer patients to Leeds or York). We may also arrange for you to return to the Emergency Department or another clinic at a later date.
Who are we?
The Emergency Department sees 120-180 patients every day, so we are one of the largest teams in Harrogate District Hospital.
Taking overall responsibility for your medical care will be a Consultant in Emergency Medicine. They work closely with the Nurse in Charge who is responsible for the smooth running of the department. Together they lead a team consisting of doctors, nurses and other health professionals along with highly skilled clinical support workers, receptionists and porters and secretarial staff. You may also come across volunteers, students and trainees.
Key staff
Matron: Stephanie Davis
Lead Nurse: Sr Rachael Worton