There are a wide range of ear, nose and throat conditions, and our doctors and nurses treat a variety of illnesses. These include:
- Ear problems such as glue ear, chronic infections, and ear injuries
- Adult rhinosinusitis and paediatric rhinitis
- Tonsillitis
- Nasal injuries, including epistaxis
- Nasal polyposis and nasal obstruction
- Dysphonia (hoarseness)
- Dysphagia (swallowing problems)
- Hearing loss and tinnitus
- Head and neck lumps (including thyroid and parathyroid swellings)
- Dizziness
We provide a range of facilities to the Harrogate district and surrounding areas. We offer services and clinics at Harrogate District Hospital and at York Hospital, such as:
- General ENT clinics, including outreach clinics in Leeds and Ripon;
- Specialist head and neck cancer clinics;
- Primary care clinics;
- Nurse-led microsuction service;
- Specialist voice clinics.
To ensure the best care for our patients, we work with a variety of different teams. We liaise with audiology departments in both Harrogate and York, and work closely with the speech and language therapists in Harrogate. Other associated teams and services include the specialist balance clinics in York, the Specialist Head and Neck Cancer Service based in both York and Leeds, and the Macmillan Head and Neck Specialist in York.
The ENT Department at Harrogate District Hospital is based in the main Outpatients Department.
Referral to the ENT Department is via a GP. GPs can use the Choose and Book system to make an appointment.
Key staff
Sister, ENT Outpatients: Kelly Hardy
Staff Nurses, ENT Outpatients: Anne Scott, Anne-Marie Perry and Claire Moriarty
Useful links
The ENT UK website provides patient information and leaflets on a range of ear, nose and throat conditions.