Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme

Pulmonary Rehabilitation is designed for people with diagnosed respiratory conditions (such as COPD, Bronchiectasis, Interstitial lung disease, asthma) who are experiencing difficulties with every day activities due to respiratory symptoms. Pulmonary Rehabilitation aims to improve physical fitness, quality of life and confidence for those living with a respiratory disease.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation consists of a thorough pre-assessment with an Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist for approximately one hour. During this pre-assessment, your current physical fitness, specific health needs and psycho-social circumstances will be reviewed. Here we identify whether the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme is appropriate for you.

If suitable, you will then be enrolled into the Pulmonary Rehabilitation group with approximately 10 other participants.

Each course consists of two hours, twice weekly for six consecutive weeks. During this, you will receive an individualised exercise programme and respiratory education.  There is an expectation for you to attend these sessions and a contract will be agreed with you.

Topics covered are:

  • How do the lungs work? And secretion clearance strategies
  • Relaxation and breathing control
  • Anxiety and stress management
  • Activities of daily living and energy conservation
  • Exercise principles
  • Diet
  • Medication and inhalers
  • Correct inhaler technique
  • How to continue exercise after Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  • Breathe Easy Support Group

The Occupational Therapist will set achievable goals which can be reviewed throughout the programme, with the aim to improve quality of life. The physiotherapist will explore in depth your strength and exercise tolerance and formulise a tailored exercise programme suited to you.

Participants who have completed the pulmonary rehabilitation course often find they are able to be more independent with their activities of daily living, can control their breathlessness and anxiety with greater ease and are able to manage their condition with more confidence.

Key staff

Specialist Physiotherapist: Elizabeth Mount

Specialist Occupational Therapist: Penny Spencer

Therapy Assistant: Rachael Vardy


Pulmonary Rehabilitation is based in Therapy Services, Ground Floor, Harrogate District Hospital.

Contact details

Therapy Office – 01423 553472

Useful links

Harrogate Borough Council: Active Health

Respiratory Nurses at Harrogate District Hospital: 01423 555320

Breathe Easy Support Group – a respiratory support group: 01423 864412

Adult Social Care North Yorkshire: North Yorkshire County Council

Adult Social Care Leeds: Leeds City Council

British Lung Foundation: range of resources, including leaflets and booklets