New films aim to help pregnant BAME women recognise risks from coronavirus

Posted on: Wednesday 5 Aug 2020

The West Yorkshire and Harrogate Local Maternity System has created a series of films in community languages, delivered by clinicians, that aim to raise awareness among pregnant BAME women about risk factors, signs and symptoms of coronavirus infection and how to protect themselves.

The films advise women that if they, or a member of their household, develop any of the coronavirus symptoms it is important that they stay isolated at home and call their midwife or doctor. Local maternity units are open 24 hours a day to give advice and make care plans for affected women, which may include coming in to hospital.

Carol McKenna, CEO Lead for West Yorkshire and Harrogate Maternity Programme and Chief Officer for NHS Greater Huddersfield CCG and NHS North Kirklees CCG said:

“Most pregnant women who contract Coronavirus will experience only mild or moderate symptoms and will recover quickly. But we know that some women, especially those with BMI over 25 or who have diabetes or some other health conditions and women from Asian, Black African Caribbean, Black African and some other ethnic groups are more likely to become very unwell if they contract coronavirus and might need to be cared for in hospital.

Maternity staff across West Yorkshire and Harrogate are fully aware of the extra risks that women from BAME backgrounds face. We want women to know that if they have any concerns about their health or that of their baby they can and should make early contact with their midwife or doctor so that they can be quickly assessed and given all the care that they need.”