Newly published NHS Staff Survey results show Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust ranks better than average among similar organisations in 23 of 32 key areas.
Of these 23 key areas, two areas ranked the highest among similar organisations – recognition and value of staff by managers and the organisation, and percentage of staff satisfied with the opportunities for flexible working patterns.
The anonymous national survey was carried out among a sample of HDFT staff between September and November 2015. Results are presented in 32 key areas known as ‘Key Findings’ as well as a measure of overall Staff Engagement. HDFT’s overall Staff Engagement score is ranked above average, which is the highest level of ranking and places it third among its peer group of NHS trusts.
Results also showed significant improvements in three areas over the 2014 survey. These were: staff recommendation of the organisation as a place to work or receive treatment, staff satisfaction with level of responsibility and involvement and support from immediate managers.
The response rate for the Trust was 59 per cent in 2015, which is above average when compared against other similar organisations and is the highest in its peer group. The 2015 response rate is an improvement on the 56 per cent response rate in 2014.
The one area showing deterioration in results was the percentage of staff experiencing physical violence from patients, relatives or the public in last 12 months.
Phillip Marshall, Director of Workforce and Organisational Development at Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Thank you to every member of our workforce that took the time to complete a survey – it really does matter in our drive to improve how our staff are engaged at every possible opportunity.
“A happy, engaged workforce is really important because that strongly influences the experience our patients and those who use our services have, both in terms of the quality of care provided and the ways in which staff interact with them. We are especially pleased that staff feel recognised and valued by their manager.
“An action plan to address some of the survey’s key findings is now in development and will be shared with colleagues.”
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For further information please contact:
Paul Widdowfield, Communications and Marketing Manager, [email protected] and 01423 557470.