Quality Improvement Team Accreditation

What is it?
Developed as part of the Trust’s Quality Improvement At our Best, this scheme recognises and rewards teams who identify, work towards, achieve and then sustain a vision for providing high quality services in their area.

Well done to all of the Trust’s Quality Improvement Teams. Click here to find out who they are.

Who is it for?

Any team is eligible to seek accreditation by putting themselves forward. Teams may be clinical or non-clinical, permanent or temporary and can include non-HDFT members who are working in collaboration with us.

What’s involved?
There are three levels, which teams can work through. At each level, there are qualifying criteria that need to be met including a percentage of staff in your team accredited as a Quality Improvement Champion or equivalent. Further information about what it takes to become a Quality Improvement Champion can be accessed here.

The first level is Bronze and a simple infographic describing the process to gaining accreditation at this level, can be accessed by clicking here. But just to reiterate, accreditation at this level requires:

  1. Evidence of a vision for improvement – what are you going to do to achieve this vision and what are your aims to deliver this?
  2. As a guide, at least 25% of staff in your team qualified as a Bronze level Quality Improvement Champion or equivalent.

Click here for the Bronze level guidance

The second level is Silver. Accreditation requires:

  1. Evidence of a vision for improvement – what are you going to do to achieve this vision and what are your aims to deliver this?
  2. Evidence of an action plan to deliver the vision for improvement and progress of at least 50%
  3. Evidence of on going support for staff learning and development, e.g. involvement in Quality Improvement At our Best initiatives, Schwartz rounds, informal training sessions, formally accredited learning, secondments, rotation, supervision
  4. As a guide, at least 40% of staff in your team qualified as a Bronze level Quality Improvement Champion or equivalent
  5. As a guide, at least 15% of staff in your team qualified as a Silver level Quality Improvement Champion or equivalent
  6. Where practical and appropriate, evidence of engaging other stakeholders e.g. patients, families & carers; commissioners; social care providers; other Trusts.

Click here for the Silver level guidance

The third and final level is Gold. Accreditation requires:

  1. Evidence of a vision for improvement – what are you going to do to achieve this vision and what are your aims to deliver this?
  2. Evidence of an action plan to deliver the vision for improvement and progress of at least 50%
  3. Evidence that aspects of your vision for improvement have been delivered and what has improved as a result of this
  4. Evidence of ongoing support for staff learning and development, e.g. involvement in Quality Improvement At our Best initiatives, Schwartz rounds, informal training sessions, formally accredited learning, secondments, rotation, supervision
  5. As a guide, at least 60% of staff in your team qualified as a Bronze level Quality Improvement Champion or equivalent
  6. As a guide, at least 20% of staff in your team qualified as a Silver level Quality Improvement Champion or equivalent
  7. One member of staff qualified as a Gold level Quality Improvement Champion or equivalent for teams with 41 or more staff. Teams with fewer than 41 staff may not have a Gold Quality Improvement Champion within the team.
  8. Where practical and appropriate, evidence of engaging other stakeholders e.g. patients, families & carers; commissioners; social care providers; other Trusts
  9. Demonstration of quality initiatives that exceed usual standards, taking a service “above and beyond” what would normally be expected
  10. Where possible, evidence of collaborative working with another team to support and share learning and / or development

Click here for the Gold level guidance

When my team is ready for accreditation, what happens next?

Accreditation must be applied for and once ready, teams are asked to complete a simple application form which can be accessed by clicking on one of the three links below.

Applications are then submitted to, and reviewed by, the Quality Improvement Advisory Group. This group consists of staff representing different services and roles across each of the four directorates, including accredited Quality Improvement Champions. This panel is convened every three months, so it may take up to twelve weeks for your application to be considered. Upcoming dates for panel meetings:

  • May 2022
  • August 2022
  • November 2022

At Bronze level, accreditation lasts 12 months and must be re-applied for in order to be maintained or revised.

At Silver and Gold levels, accreditation lasts 24 months and must be re-applied for in order to be maintained or revised.


You will be contacted ahead of your accreditation expiring, to either re-apply for your current level or apply for the next level.

  • Re-apply for your current level: This requires revising the previous application submitted, reviewing the Quality Improvement Champion accreditations and updating next steps/ Quality initiatives undertaken.
  • Apply for the next level up: This requires the application form for the next level to be submitted for review.

Re-application for your current level or the next level up can be quick and easy; if you are finding it challenging to complete the forms then you can attend the next Quality Improvement Advisory Group meeting to discuss and present your Team’s vision, mission, next steps and commitments. Please get in touch with a member of the Improvement and Transformation Team to discuss.

What’s in it for my team?
Once your team has been signed-off at one of the three levels, they will receive full accreditation as a HDFT Quality Improvement Team – getting a framed certificate to display in their area and positive media coverage across the Trust, and with external partners.

Your team will be helping to improve the quality of services we provide as a Trust which will make a difference to patients and help us to achieve our organisational Mission of being:

“An exceptional provider of healthcare for the benefit of our communities, our staff and our partners.”

Furthermore, your team will join a growing number of teams and individuals who are Quality Improvement Champions and may be also be invited to showcase your work at the Trust’s annual Quality Conference.