As part of Quality Improvement At our Best, these campaigns are targeted projects which aim to raise awareness, encourage behaviour change and deliver improvements in quality.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for a future campaign where behaviour change is needed to support the Trust’s current strategic priorities then please get in touch with the Improvement Transformation Team on 01423 54 3475 or email ideas [email protected]
Our most recent QI Campaign: Smoking Cessation Campaign, June 2019-December 2022
Our most recent campaign was Smoking Cessation. This campaign aimed to enable patients and colleagues to be as healthy as possible by stopping smoking, targeting three areas: 1) Training more colleagues to deliver Very Brief Advice on how to stop smoking, 2) Create a no-smoking environment, and 3) provide more joined-up nicotine replacement therapies for hospital patients. 122 Smoking Cessation Champions were trained to have Very Brief Advice (VBA) conversations with colleagues and patients to direct them to stop smoking support. Here is some recent feedback we received from our partners at North Yorkshire County Council’s Livingwell Smokefree service:
“This patient gave us (LWSF) some verbal feedback at how their treatment was excellent after being admitted to Harrogate Hospital. This was a direct referral as a result off the staff member having done the VBA training and we (LWSF) realised this as the patient spoke of how they didn’t feel judged for smoking and instead of saying ‘you must quit smoking’ the VBA advisor said they could get them some support and called us (LWSF) while the patient was sat with them. We (LWSF) then spoke to the patient directly, while they were sat with the nurse. They were provided with 3 weeks NRT on discharge and referred directly to us so that there were no breaks in their care. As a result, their partner has started with the LWSF service as they have seen how well it has gone and how easy it has been. The patient said they were so impressed with how the VBA advisor was with them.”
The Smoking Cessation Campaign also implemented a pathway through with patients could be discharged to a named pharmacy so they could continue with nicotine replacement treatment and receive stop smoking advice. We ran an active communication campaign through Stoptober which made an average of 173.11 impressions from 65 tweets and increased the documentation of smoking status upon hospital admission from 87% to 99.5%. HDFTs Tobacco Control Group is now working on the Trust’s Smoking Cessation Campaign, so watch out for more in the future.
For more information about HDFT’s Smoking Cessation advice, you can:
- Visit the Smokefree intranet site here
- Take a look at the Physical Health and Wellbeing internet site here
- Download the My Quitting wall chart
- View our quit smoking Information and Tips leaflet
- Visit LivingWell Smokefree for local support: