We open our doors to all for Council of Governors meeting

The next quarterly public meeting of the Council of Governors of Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust will take place on Wednesday 1 August, 5.45-8pm at St. Aidan’s Church of England High School, Oatlands Drive, Harrogate, HG2 8JR (The Hatcher Room, next to Constance Green Hall).

Items on the agenda include an update from Dr Ros Tolcher, Chief Executive, on strategic and operational matters including the Trust’s fundamental standards of care, performance and finance. There will be presentations from the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian and the Trust’s External Auditors on the Annual Report and Accounts 2017/18, and Governors will be talking about key areas of work they are involved in. Attendees will also be able to meet their newly elected Governors on the Council.

Angela Schofield, Trust Chairman, said: “We would be delighted to welcome members of the public to our quarterly Council of Governors’ meeting to see presentations from the Governors and senior Trust executives. There is also the opportunity to ask questions about any service that we provide either in the hospital or the community.

“Our Governors represent the interests of the Trust members and the general public we serve and this public meeting provides the opportunity to see them in action and engage with them both formally and informally.

“We welcome the participation of any member of the  public at our meeting and questions may be sent in advance by email to [email protected] or by telephone to the Foundation Trust Office on 01423 554489 or questions can be tabled to the Chairman at the beginning of the meeting or during the mid-meeting break.”

Papers will be available at the meeting or can be accessed from the website one week before the meeting: https://www.hdft.nhs.uk/about/council-of-governors/governors-meetings/


For further information please contact:

Paul Widdowfield, Communications and Marketing Manager, [email protected] and 01423 557470.

Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust is asking people in the local community to help shape its future by becoming a Governor.

The Trust is holding an election to the Council of Governors with vacancies for Governors to represent the interests of the people residing in Ripon and West District and Knaresborough and East District.  There is also a vacancy for a Governor for The Rest of England and this might appeal to people residing in areas where the Trust provides services such as the North East and Leeds.

Angela Schofield, Chairman of the Trust and Chair of the Council of Governors, said: “Our Governors are an integral part of the Trust and ensure that we are accountable to the local community we serve. The Council of Governors have key responsibilities such as the appointment of the Non-Executive Directors on the Board of Directors, the appointment of the Trust’s external auditor and development of an active membership.  There are opportunities to work on specific projects and to represent the Trust locally and nationally too.

“At the Trust, we are extremely lucky to have an active and engaged Council of Governors, who lead the way on initiatives like our award winning Education Liaison programme. Now we are looking for people to join our Council of Governors and help to shape the Trust as we move forward.”

In order to stand or vote in the elections, you have to be a member of the Foundation Trust. It is free to join and an application form is available on the Trust’s website or from the Foundation Trust Office on 01423 554489 or [email protected]

If you are interested in finding out more about being a Governor and would like to register your interest, please contact the Foundation Trust Office on 01423 554489 or via email to Angie Colvin, Corporate Affairs and Membership Manager at [email protected]  You can also find helpful information and details on how to stand for election on our website by clicking here.

Nominations open on Wednesday 9 May and the deadline for nominations is Friday 25 May.

Members are welcome to attend the following Information Session for Prospective Governors:

  • Monday 14 May at 6-7pm in the Leon Smallwood Unit, Ripon Community Hospital, Firby Lane, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 2PR.

Members will have the opportunity to meet with the Chairman and current Governors and learn more about the role of a Governor and the election process at the information session.

If you are unable to attend the session, and would like to find out more, please contact Angie Colvin, Corporate Affairs and Membership Manager, on 01423 554489 or [email protected].

The next quarterly public meeting of the Council of Governors of Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust will take place on Wednesday 3 May at 5.45pm at The Pavilions of Harrogate, Great Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate, HG2 8NZ (in The Cover Room).

Items on the agenda include: an update from Dr Ros Tolcher, Chief Executive, on strategic and operational matters including the Trust’s fundamental standards of care, performance and finance, the Chief Nurse will be presenting the Trust’s Quality Priorities for 2017/18, there will be updates regarding the recruitment process for a new Chair and a new Non-Executive Director, and Governors will be talking about key areas of work they are involved in.

There will also be a presentation on how the Trust is responding to the National Apprenticeship Strategy and increasing the number of apprenticeship opportunities across all areas of the organisation.  Initial focus will be on creating Apprentice Care Support Workers with other types of apprenticeship programmes being rolled out over the coming year.

Sandra Dodson, HDFT Chairman, said: “We would be delighted to welcome members of the public to our quarterly Council of Governors’ meeting to see presentations from the Governors and senior Trust executives.  There is also the opportunity to ask questions about any service that we provide either in the hospital or the community.

“Our Governors represent the interests of the Trust members and the general public we serve and this public meeting provides the opportunity to see them in action and engage with them both formally and informally.”

“We are delighted to be sharing information about our apprenticeship programmes; this is an excellent opportunity for local people of all ages with different work and life experiences to take up a career in the NHS. The programmes will also be available to our current workforce to enable them to progress their career.”

We welcome the participation of any member of the  public at our meeting and questions may be sent in advance by email to [email protected] or by telephone to the Foundation Trust Office on 01423 554489 or questions can be tabled to the Chairman at the beginning of the meeting or during the mid-meeting break.

Papers will be available at the meeting or can be accessed from the website one week before the meeting – https://www.hdft.nhs.uk/about/council-of-governors/governors-meetings/

The next quarterly public meeting of the Council of Governors of Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust (HDFT) will take place on Saturday 6 February at 10.45am at St. Aidan’s Church of England High School, Oatlands Drive, Harrogate, HG2 8JR (in The Hatcher Room, next to Constance Green Hall).

Topics being discussed include volunteering and education, patient and public involvement and patient safety visits to clinical areas.

There is also the opportunity for members of the public to ask questions of the Governors and senior Trust staff.

Sandra Dodson, HDFT Chairman, said: “We would be delighted to welcome members of the public to our quarterly Council of Governors meeting to see presentations from the Governors and senior Trust executives. There is also the opportunity to ask questions about aspects of the Trust’s forward strategy, quality of service and operational performance.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for members of the public to come along and ask questions about any service that we provide either in the hospital or the community.

“Our Governors represent the interests of the Trust members and the general public we serve and this public meeting provides the opportunity to see them in action and engage with them both formally and informally.”

Items on the agenda include an update from the Chief Executive on key issues and the Trust’s fundamental standards of care, performance and finance and an update from a Non-Executive Director on Patient Safety Visits and the plans for this year. Governors will be talking about key areas of work they are involved in and there will be a Q&A session for members of the public and Governors.

We welcome the participation of any member of the public at our meeting and questions may be sent in advance by email to [email protected] or by telephone to the Foundation Trust Office on 01423 554489 or questions can be tabled to the Chairman at the beginning of the meeting or during the mid-meeting break.

Papers will be available at the meeting or can be accessed from the website.

The next quarterly public meeting of the Council of Governors of Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust (HDFT) will take place on Wednesday 4 November at 5.45pm at St. Aidan’s Church of England High School, Oatlands Drive, Harrogate, HG2 8JR (in the Hatcher Room, next to Constance Green Hall).

Sandra Dodson, HDFT Chairman, said: “We would be delighted to welcome members of the public to our quarterly Council of Governor meeting to see presentations from the Council of Governors and senior Trust executives and have the opportunity to ask questions about aspects of the Trust’s forward strategy, quality of service and operational performance.

“Our Governors represent the interests of the Trust members and the general public we serve and this public meeting provides the opportunity to see them in action and engage with them both formally and informally.”

Items on the agenda include an update from the Chief Executive on key issues and the Trust’s fundamental standards of care, performance and finance, a review of the effectiveness of Quality of Care Teams by the Chief Nurse and an update from a Non-Executive Director on the Finance Committee. Governors will be talking about key areas of work they are involved in and there will be a Q&A session for members of the public and Governors.

HDFT welcomes the participation of any member of the public at the meeting and questions may be sent in advance by email to [email protected] or by telephone to the Foundation Trust Office on 01423 554489. Questions can also be tabled to the Chairman at the beginning of the meeting or during the mid-meeting break.