Publication Scheme

Under Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust has a duty to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme.

The purpose of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 is to promote greater openness by public authorities. The Act does not change the right of patients to protection of their confidentiality. Maintaining the legal right to patient confidentiality continues to be an important commitment on our part.

Who we are and what we do

The Trust is the principal provider of hospital services to the population of Harrogate and surrounding district, and also provides services to north and west Leeds representing a catchment population of approximately 1.2m people. Since April 2011, the Trust has provided a wide range of community-based services covering the Harrogate and District locality and some services covering the whole of North Yorkshire. In April 2016, the Trust was awarded three contracts to provide 0-19 Children’s Services in County Durham, Darlington and Middlesbrough, making the Trust the largest provider of children’s services in the country.

We aim to provide healthcare, research and teaching of the very highest quality. In this section you can find out more about how we are doing this.

What we spend and how we spend it

This section contains links to financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, the Trust’s capital programme, procurement, contracts and financial audit.

Independent auditors report (pages 98-103)

Capital programme
In the financial year 2016/17, the Trust invested £4.623m as part of the Trust’s capital programme, which included £1,080m in the Carbon Energy Reduction Plan. For more detailed information about the Trust’s Capital Programme, please click here for the Trust’s Operational Plan.

Staff and Board members’ allowances and expenses
All allowances and expenses are paid in accordance with the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service.

Members of staff’s allowances are paid for the following reasons: unsocial hours, weekend work, Working Time Directive pay, night duty and recruitment and retention. Any expenses must be claimed by completing an expense claim form. Expenses can relate to study leave, travel, course/conference fees and subsistence.

Details of the Board’s remuneration can be found in the remuneration report in the Trust’s Annual Report.

Staff pay and grading structures
To obtain details of the Trust’s staff pay and grading structures, please click here.

Funding (including endowment funds)
The Trust receives funding from a number of sources, including charities. To obtain details about funding provisions please write to the Trust’s Finance Department. Further detail about Harrogate Hospital and Community Charity can be found here. 

Procurement and tendering procedures
The Trust’s Procurement Team supports the delivery of high quality patient care while ensuring value for money is achieved. The Trust is a member of the North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative and makes extensive use of the range of contracts they provide  as well as the range of goods and services supplied or contracted by NHS Supply Chain. Suppliers are welcome to make enquiries or send information on the goods and services they can provide to [email protected].

If you’d like to enquire about working with us then please contact click here to view how to ‘Tender with Us’.

Details of contracts currently being tendered and list and value of contracts awarded
To access this information please click here and/or here.  

Our priorities and how we’re doing

We are committed to quality and safety, both in our hospitals and in the community, and aim to be as transparent as possible about how we’re doing. There are lots of different ways to measure our performance, from official inspections to feedback from our patients, and we examine all results in order to make improvements wherever possible.

Annual Report
For copies of current and previous annual reports, please click here.

Strategic direction
To view a summary of the Trust’s Strategy, please click here.

Performance against national targets
In line with NHS Improvement’s Single Oversight Framework the Trust completed 2016/17 with a ‘Financial Use of Resource Rating’ of one and a ‘Green’ Governance rating. In the coming year, the Trust aims to achieve a surplus of £5.9m and to meet all the required performance targets as laid out in the framework. The surplus relates to the achievement of an underlying surplus of £2.1m, supported by Sustainability and Transformation funding.

The Trust will seek to achieve a minimum rating of two for Financial Use of Resources and maintain a rating of Green for Governance in 2017/18 and has detailed in its Operational Plan the ways in which this will be achieved. The five year Strategic Plan also details the longer term organisational strategy, as well as the strategic opportunities and risks for the Trust.

The government sets a number of performance targets covering everything from waiting times to hospital acquired infection rates. Updates of how the Trust is performing against these targets can be found in the Integrated Board Report presented at the monthly Board of Directors meeting. View the latest Integrated Board Report here.

The Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) framework sets performance targets for individual trusts which are linked to additional payments to reward excellence. The CQUIN scheme is intended to deliver clinical quality improvements and drive transformational change. These will impact on reducing inequalities in access to services, the experiences of using them and the outcomes achieved. Click here for more information and detail of the national schemes. The Trust will follow the national CQUIN scheme for 2017/19.

The Trust’s 2016/17 scheme, agreed with Harrogate and Rural District Clinical Commissioning Group, was a variation of the national scheme and designed to support local transformation. The Trust’s agreed CQUINs targets for 2016/17 and for 2017/19 are part of the Trust’s Quality Account available here.

Reports by regulatory organisations
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is an executive non-departmental public body of the Department of Health. It was established in 2009 to regulate and inspect health and social care services in England. The last unannounced inspection at Harrogate District Hospital took place in February 2016. The report following this visit is available in Section 5 of the Trust’s Quality Account  on the CQC website here. Reports from previous CQC unannounced inspections at the Trust are available at the CQC website by clicking here.

Audit reports
Copies of any audit reports presented to the Board of Directors at its monthly meetings are available within the published Board papers. Board papers are available to view here.

Service user surveys
Detail about specific patient surveys and other patient and service user feedback is contained in the Trust’s Quality Account.

How we make decisions

Board papers – agenda, supporting papers and minutes
The Trust publishes details of all Board Meetings and associated documents on this website. Documents can be found here.

Policies and procedures

The following policies and procedures relate to the conduct of business and the provision of services, health and safety, human resources, including recruitment and employment, and equality and diversity at the Trust:

Standing financial procedures
Details of the Trust’s standing financial procedures can be found here. 

Standing orders
Details of the Trust’s standing orders can be located in the Trust’s Constitution.

Complaints and other customer services policies and procedures
The Patient Experience Team is on hand to listen to your feedback and help you with any concerns you might have over the quality of your care. More details on how the team operates can be found here

The Trust holds information regarding complaints, however the information will not normally be available to the public as it may contain references to patients or treatment received. This is classified as personal data under section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Data protection/records management/Caldicott Guardian
The Trust collects, stores and uses large amounts of personal data every day, such as medical records, personnel records and computerised information. This data is used by many people in the course of their work. We take our duty to protect your personal information and confidentiality very seriously and we are committed to taking all reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal data for which we are responsible, whether computerised or on paper. For further information on how the Trust uses and shares this data, click here.   For details on the Data Protection Act 1988 and how to access your medical records click here. 

Estate management
The management of estates and facilities is the responsibility of the Chief Operating Officer. Daily responsibility is undertaken by the Deputy Directors of Estates and Facilities. For further information about our sites please click here

Charging regimes and policies
The Trust will not normally charge a fee for requests. Where a charge is made, documentation from the Information Commissioner’s Office FOI Fee Charging document and Using the Fees Regulations document will be used.

The Data Protection Policy outlines charges for subject access requests.

Other charges will be provided upon request via [email protected].

Lists and registers

Register of Interests
The register of interests for our Executive and Non-Executive Directors can be found in the Trust’s Annual Report here.

Declaring conflicts of interest

Every year the taxpayer entrusts NHS organisations with funding to care for millions of people which must be spent well, and free from undue influence. To deliver high quality and innovation care organisations need to work collaboratively with each other, local authorities, industry and other public, private and voluntary bodies. Partnership working brings many benefits, but also creates the risk of conflicts of interest.

It is especially important for care organisations to demonstrate transparency for staff who are budget holders or who can influence purchasing decisions.

At the Trust, we have defined ‘decision making staff’ as those on Agenda for Change (AfC) Band 7 and above, all Consultants and Procurement staff. These staff are likely to be budget holders and/or those with purchasing influence within the Trust.

It’s essential that staff at the Trust are transparent and adhere to both our local policy and guidance set out by NHS England and declare any appropriate conflicts of interest against the clearly defined rules. All staff are required to make declarations including gifts, hospitality or sponsorship and relationships at work or any known interest that may be a conflict to them and the Trust. Our staff are required to make either positive or nil declarations, aligned to each financial year.

The information displayed is a live record of the Trusts declaration registers. The data fields will be closed each year following the end of Quarter 1.

Only ‘decision making staff’s’ interests will be displayed in the Public Register in accordance with NHS England’s requirements.

Please click here to access the Register:

Assets Register and Information Asset Register
To obtain copies of the Trust’s Assets and Information Asset Registers please email [email protected].

Services we offer

Clinical services and/or commissioned services
For detailed information on the clinical and commissioned services we offer please click here.

Non-clinical services
For detailed information on the non-clinical services we offer, please click here.

Services for which the authority is entitled to recover a fee, together with those fees
The Trust is entitled to recover fees for overseas patients, private patients and disclosure of patient medical records. Further detail is available with regard to:

  • Overseas patients
  • Private patients – we offer some private patient services. All income earned from these services is reinvested in the NHS.
  • Disclosure of patient medical records: as a patient you are able to access your medical records held by the To access your medical records you should make a request to the Medical Records Department for the hospitals you were a patient at. You will then be sent a letter and a form to complete and return. Alternatively, an application form can be downloaded here or an initial enquiry can be made via email to [email protected].

Patient information leaflets and other booklets and newsletters
You can access our library of over 130 patient information leaflets about clinical treatments, conditions and our services by clicking here.

Advice and guidance
Please click here for information on:

  • How to cancel or change an appointment
  • Wards, units and visiting times
  • Is it an emergency?
  • Information for visitors
  • Inpatients
  • Outpatients
  • Patient leaflets
  • Patient experience

Corporate communications and media releases
Click here to view the latest Trust news including announcements, awards, campaigns, fundraising, meetings, services and statements.