- SENDIASS North Yorkshire
SENDIASS is a service for parents and carers of young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and/or disabilities as well as young people themselves. It is impartial and gives confidential information, advice and support that is arms length to the Local Authority.
- Immie Swain: How to Spot the Signs of Autism in Pupils
Interview on Good Morning Britain on helping teachers recognise autism
- Autism Education Trust
We are a not-for-profit organisation supported by the Department for Education. Our 360-degree support programme offers education professionals training, practical tools and a wealth of free resources to better support autistic children and young people aged 0 to 25. Browse our brand-new website to find out how we can help.
- Dr Pooky Knightsmith
Resources to support neurodivergent students in the classroom
- Not Fine in School
Support for families of children/young people experiencing school attendance barriers.
- Anna Freud – Addressing emotionally-based school avoidance
This resource looks at the topic of emotionally-based school avoidance (EBSA) and shares ideas to help education staff address the issue
- Elective Home Education (EHE) Local Offer from North Yorkshire Council
Guidance for parents or carers who are currently or considering electively home educating
- Unschooling Every Family
An unschooling support group for parents and caregivers of atypical kids
- Sunshine Support
Free resources and advice for parents re. SEND provision and EHCPs
- Square Pegs: Inclusivity, compassion and fitting in – a guide for schools by Fran Morgan and Ellie Costello
Over the last few years, changes in education have made it increasingly hard for those children who don’t ‘fit’ the system – the square pegs in a rigid system of round holes. This book will be invaluable in guiding leaders and teaching staff through the most effective ways to address this challenge. Can be recommended to all professionals working in education
- Alfie Kohn author
Alfie Kohn writes and speaks widely on human behaviour, education and parenting. Author of Schooling Beyond Measure, The Homework Myth and The Myth of the Spoiled Child
- Transition Tool Kit (Autism Education Trust)
This Tool Kit provides a wealth of practical strategies and advice across various stages of transition.
- Specialist Training in Autism and Raising Standards
Although this is aimed more towards school staff, it provides information about how school and families can work together to provide the best transitions for young autistic people whilst recognising activities and steps that can be taken to support transition.
Daily Living Skills and Health
- Health Passport
Click here to download a Health Passport
You can use a Health Passport to share important information when you go to hospital or attend health appointments.
- Autism and Sleep
SG Autism and Sleep V3.pdf – Google Drive
Resources for sleep reviewed by the Sleep Charity
- National Autistic Society
Volunteer-led hep and support and online community. The Autism Services Directory and online advice and guidance can also help to find the answers you are looking for.
- Autism Discussion Page by Bill Nason
- Henry
At HENRY we are passionate about babies and children getting the best possible start in life. This means supporting the whole family to make positive lifestyle changes, creating healthier and happier home environments, and building healthier communities.
- Sleep problems in autism, explained
A good night’s rest isn’t guaranteed for anyone, but it is downright elusive for many people with autism. Individuals on the spectrum often have trouble falling and staying asleep.
- The Sleep Charity
The Sleep Charity, incorporating The Sleep Council, provide advice and support to empower the nation to sleep better.
- Toileting
Issues affecting the bladder and bowel are very common in children and young people. Here you can find specialist advice to help.
ERIC is the national charity dedicated to improving children’s bowel and bladder health. Our mission is to reduce the impact of continence problems on children and their families.
- ERIC (for children with additional needs)
Information and resources to support children with additional needs to help with potty training, toileting and children’s bowel and bladder conditions.
- Sensory needs and toileting
Information into how sensations affect children’s response to using the toilet
- Social stories
Social stories and comic strip conversations can help autistic people develop greater social understanding and help them stay safe
- Carol Gray’s Social Stories
A Social Story ensures that the learning experience is descriptive, meaningful, and physically, socially, and emotionally safe for the child, adolescent, or adult with autism.
- What is executive functioning?
Executive functioning & ND – MindMate
Information and resources to support executive functioning skills.
Eating and Diet
Advice for hesitant anxious and limited eaters
- Eating disorders as an autistic person
Rainbow Girl (
Memoir by a 15 year old girl on how to recover from an eating disorder as an autistic person.
Autistic Young People and Eating Disorders
Conversation on Autistic Young People and Eating Disorders with Elizabeth Shea (
Dr Elizabeth Shea discusses how autistic individuals are more at risk of eating issues; the relationship between eating disorders and autism and the impact.
Let’s Talk: Body Image
Talking about body image with autistic young people.
- ARFID Awareness UK
We are the UK’s only registered charity dedicated to raising awareness and furthering information about Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. As a not-for-profit, we work to provide individuals, parents, carers and medical professionals with up-to-date relevant information, research and support.
- “Food Refusal and Avoidant Eating in Children, including those with Autism Spectrum Conditions. A Practical Guide for Parents and Professionals by Gillian Harris and Elizabeth
Many children with autism have a restricted dietary range, and this book provides parents with advice and training on how to deal with this condition and achieve a healthier and more balanced diet.
- The Autistic Chef: Cooking with a neurodiverse twist
Receiving an autism diagnosis last year was a real gamechanger in me understanding the real me after years of masking environments, foods and everything things I struggle with. I hope to create recipes which cater to both neurodiverse and neurotypical people alike
- Nourishing Neurodiversity: Simple Recipes to Nurture Your Body and Mind by Livia Sara
Nourishing Neurodiversity is a cookbook created by autism advocate and eating disorder survivor Livia Sara
- PEACE – Pathway for Eating disorders and Autism developed from Clinical Experience
We hope this resource will support autistic people suffering with an eating disorder, their loved ones and their clinicians.
- RC Psych – Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)
Information on what ARFID is, who is most likely to develop it and why, how it’s different to other feeding and eating disorders, how it might be treated, and sources of further information and support.
- National Eating Disorders – ARFID
Information about ARFID, risk factors and warning signs.
- BEAT Eating Disorders – ARFID
Information about ARFID, frequently asked questions and helplines.
Resources for Professionals
- National Autistic Society – Professional Practice
A selection of articles and opinion pieces written by professionals and autistic people who share their knowledge, good practice, research and advice for anyone working with autistic people. New articles will be published each month.
- National Autistic Society – Services for Professionals
Information about how we can help you to support autistic people, in your services, schools, venues or workplace. You can also read stories from other professionals, find articles, guidance and the latest training and conferences.
- Beyond Autism – Professionals Resources
A range of free resources for professionals working with autistic children
- Autism Education Trust
We are a not-for-profit organisation supported by the Department for Education. Our 360-degree support programme offers education professionals training, practical tools and a wealth of free resources to better support autistic children and young people aged 0 to 25. Browse our brand-new website to find out how we can help.
- Creative Education
Courses and webinars for education staff
- Safeguarding Autistic Girls: Strategies for Professionals by Carly Jones
Providing professionals with access to safeguarding strategies that are straightforward to implement and highly effective, this is essential reading for everyone who wants to better understand the challenges faced by this vulnerable group, and ensure they have access to the same opportunities to secure a good education and build safe and happy relationships as their peers