Safer staffing

It is a long established practice within the Trust to pro-actively plan and review nurse staffing levels on a daily basis.

At Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, the links between appropriate nurse staffing levels and safe, high quality care is well understood. It is a long established practice within the Trust to pro-actively plan and review nurse staffing levels on a daily basis.

All hospitals are now required to publish information about the number of nursing and midwifery staff working on each ward. This initiative is part of the NHS response to the Francis report, the enquiry into Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, which called for greater openness and transparency in the health service.

Information about actual versus planned nursing and midwifery staffing levels will be published here for each of our inpatient ward areas. The data will be updated on a monthly basis and will also be shown on the NHS Choices website. This information will also be reported to our Board of Directors on a monthly basis.

Within the hospital, we display information for patients and visitors in all of our inpatient ward areas which show the planned and actual staffing available at the start of every shift.

Latest figures