Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service

Professional advice and support around your health and wellbeing at work. Find out more about the service and how to make a referral.


Who are we?

The Occupational Health and Wellbeing department is a multidisciplinary team including:

  • Trained nurses with a specialist degree level qualification in OH&W
  • A consultant physician who is a doctor qualified to a consultant level in OH&W.
  • A Wellbeing Manager specialising in leading on the design, delivery and evaluation of the Trust’s health and wellbeing service and will work in collaboration with the wider Organisational Development function to deliver a positive employee experience

What do Occupational Health and Wellbeing do?

Our practitioners are responsible for advising staff and managers on all health matters connected with your employment. They play an important role in supporting managers to ensure that their staff are fit to perform the required tasks without hazard to themselves or others.

We offer a range of health and wellbeing services and support to all HDFT and HIF staff, including:

  • Pre-employment screening
  • Vaccinations (e.g. seasonal flu)
  • Health monitoring and surveillance (e.g. skin assessments, exposure-prone procedures)
  • Antibody testing and disease screening
  • Rapid response to exposure to bodily fluids (needle stick injury / fluid splashes / bites)
  • Advice and support around health and wellbeing needs including fitness to work and workplace adjustments

How do I contact Occupational Health and Wellbeing and/or make a referral?

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

Information on how to make a referral is provided on the staff intranet pages.

If you are unable to access this information, please contact the service using the information provided above.

Types of Referral to Occupational Health and Wellbeing

There are two main ways to refer to the service: self-referrals and management referrals.

Making a Self-Referral:

  • Self-referrals can be a useful way for staff to discuss any concerns about physical or mental health and wellbeing, as well as the impact of a health problem on your capacity to work or the effect of the workplace on our own health. Our confidential service aims to help you to discuss and understand available support options.
  • Any self-referral to the service are initially screened by an OH&W Adviser and then referred to the appropriate practitioner, with confidential advice given.
  • The self-referral consultation typically lasts between 30-60 minutes and can be in person, online or on the phone. You will have space to talk about the reason for your referral and the Occupational Health practitioner will consider how best to support your needs. This may include additional meetings, signposting to other helpful services or self-help information.
  • No reports are generated following a self-referral. Self-referrals are limited in terms of how much assistance can be given for workplace matters, because your manager is not involved and may therefore be unable to provide appropriate support.

Making a Management Referral

  • Your employer and manager have a responsibility for your health, safety and well-being whilst you are at work. If your manager has a concern about your health and/or wellbeing, a management referral can be made in order to request advice. Your manager should speak with you first before making this referral.
  • Management Referral appointments tend to be over the phone for 30 minutes. Please let us know if you would prefer a face-to-face meeting. The Occupational Health practitioner will ask more about the presenting problems and questions posed by your manager from the referral form. It may be necessary for the advisor to ask some detailed questions about your personal, work and medical history. Questions will only be asked that are relevant and are not intended to cause distress. Please let us know if you are finding any of the questions difficult and/or need a short break.
  • Your manager will not be provided with any details of your health condition without your informed consent. Should it be necessary to obtain information from your GP or Specialist, the Occupational Health practitioner would request your written consent first.
  • After the consultation a report will be written by the Occupational Health practitioner, with advice about your fitness for work, recommendations and adjustments if required and answers to the questions raised by your manager on your referral form. Should you be required to be seen again for a follow up appointment this will also be included in the report.
  • The OH Advisor will discuss the content of their report with you at the end of the consultation and will offer you an opportunity to see the report before gaining your agreement to send it to your manager. You can also request a copy to be forwarded to you. (This is in addition to your rights under the General Data Protection Regulations 2016 (GDPR) and freedom of information Acts).
  • Please be aware that the final decision in all employment matters lies with management.

Will my information be confidential?

All of our clinicians are bound by strict codes of professional ethics. This means that any information you share with us is confidential within the department and notes are held separately to your employee record. Information would be shared only in exceptional circumstances, if there was a significant health and safety concern regarding yourself or others, and this would be in consultation with you.