Mental Health and Wellbeing: Support at HDFT and HIF

Find out more about our range of in-house services, aimed at promoting and supporting and the mental health and wellbeing of colleagues.

Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service

  • Provides free advice and support around mental health and wellbeing needs, which may include signposting to helpful services and self-help information. The service is confidential and notes are kept separately from your staff records. Our team includes a range of health professionals with experience in mental health and wellbeing including nursing and medical staff.

Counselling via Vivup

  • All staff have access to our free and confidential Employee Assistance Programme
  • They can offer up to six sessions of counselling (face-to-face, telephone or virtual) with fully qualified and experienced counsellors.
  • To self-refer call 03303 800658 (or Freephone 0800 023 9324) or visit

Mental Health Champions:

  • Mental Health Champions are volunteer colleagues who are passionate about better mental health. Their role is to promote positive mental health, raise awareness of mental health issues, challenge stigma and make it easier to have everyday conversations about mental health in a safe and non-judgemental environment.
  • They have had training to recognise the different signs and symptoms of mental distress and to be able to have supportive conversations and signpost colleagues to additional support where appropriate. They are not mental health professionals, therapists or counsellors, but can offer the best of peer support in moments of difficulty.
  • The Mental Health Champion role is open to members of staff with the enthusiasm and commitment to take part. You don’t need to have lived experience of mental health problems although this can be helpful, and training, support and on-going information is provided. If there is not already a Champion in your area and you think you might be interested in this important role, please contact for more information.

THRIVE Wellbeing Conversations:

  • We want all colleagues to be having regular wellbeing conversations and to be aware of the range of support and resources available to them.
  • Thrive conversations comprise three simple questions: How are you? How is your wellbeing? How can we help you thrive?
  • Every employee should have a THRIVE conversation with their manager at least once a year, but you can request to have one at any time.
  • More information can be found on the staff intranet here: THRIVE (

Mental Health Training and e-Learning

Mental Health Awareness: One in four of us will experience a mental health problem at some point in our life. This short, mandatory training gives a broad overview of mental health and some practical skills for recognising, supporting and signposting someone concerned about their mental health. We also have a limited number of licenses for mental health awareness training for managers. If you would like to access this training, please get in touch with the Occupational Health and Wellbeing service on 01423 553400 or [email protected]

Suicide Awareness Training: The Zero Suicide Alliance have developed a short online course, available on Learning Lab. This aims to give you the skills and confidence to help someone who may be considering suicide. It also works toward breaking the stigma around suicide, encouraging people to have open conversations about their mental health.


HDFT Library

  • The library’s zoned Health and wellbeing area is the home to our collection of health and wellbeing books and information leaflets. These can be browsed whilst in the library or, if you are a registered library user, borrowed on a 4-week loan.  There are comfortable chairs and a sleep pod for relaxation.
  • The zone is available 24/7 to users registered with the library, and to all staff during library opening hours, Monday-Friday 9.30-4.30pm.


Chaplaincy Department


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Staff Networks

  • We have a number of staff network groups which give our staff the chance to come together and discuss issues and share experiences, allowing their voice to be heard and to shape our organisation and improve equal opportunities.
  • Our current staff networks are: LGBTQ+, BAME, Disabilities and Long Term Conditions, Menopause, Men’s Health, Neurodiversity, Armed Forces and Working Families and Carers networks.
  • For more information see: Staff Networks (