The Macmillan Gynaecology Oncology Nursing Service comprises of three clinical nurse specialists whose main role is to support patients who have been diagnosed with, or are suspect of having, a gynaecological malignancy, and their families and carers. We often become involved at diagnosis and support patients throughout their treatment and beyond.
We also provide education and advice to patients and other healthcare professionals.
We work as part of the gynaecology multi-disciplinary team (MDT) and liaise closely with consultants and healthcare professionals from Harrogate. We also link and communicate with the Leeds Cancer Centre at St James’s University Hospital, which manages and treats certain gynaecological cancers.
We accept referrals from GPs and allied healthcare professionals. However, patients can contact the Team directly for advice.
Key staff
Lead Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialist in Women’s Health: Marion Webb
Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialists in Women’s Health: Jodie Lupton and Suzanne Walker
Useful links and support groups
- Macmillan
- The Golden Girls – this is a local support group which meets socially in different locations across Harrogate. Please contact Marion Webb for more information: 01423 555732.